What are CSS frameworks and why are they needed?


CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a powerful tool that allows you to change the appearance of your site. With it you can tell how a particular element will look on the website. What color or size it will be, what the indents will be, etc.

But, the main problem you will have to deal with when working closely with the technology CSS, when you decide in any way to design an element on the website, there is a problem of writing a large amount of code.

Of course, writing a lot of code may not pose much of a problem for you. But when there are a lot of elements on a website, there is also a lot of code. Writing so much code can be frustrating.

This is especially true when you design some web pages from scratch, layout a site and put a lot of elements that need to look a certain way. If you write CSS code from scratch, you can run into a very large amount of work.

In order to avoid this large amount of work and speed up the process of web page layout, special libraries or CSS frameworks have been created. Essentially, a CSS framework is just a CSS file that you plug into your web page in a standard way.

This CSS file simply contains a set of styles already written for you that you can apply to the elements on your website once this library is attached to your web page.

Once this framework file is attached to your web page, you can add no specific CSS styles to your elements, but simply add classes.

When you add a class you are saying how the CSS framework should style the website element.

By using frameworks you are not thinking in terms of code, but in terms of classes that can be added to HTML elements.

The most popular CSS frameworks are:

Bulma .

And the main reason to use frameworks is to save time. Adding a certain class for an element is much easier than writing dozens of lines of code.

The second advantage is the standardization of your code. If you want to make a button, you already know what class you need to assign to it. This doesn’t depend on which site you’re working with. Everything works the same everywhere.

Here is such a handy and vital tool that I recommend you to implement in your web development practice. In order to speed up your work and make it more pleasant.