Pure CSS modules set


Pure is a cascading style sheet (CSS) developed by YAHOO. It helps you create fast, beautiful, and responsive web sites. This framework is very highly optimized, this improves the comfort of working with it. Pure CSS is one of the smallest frameworks, only 3.8 KB in gzipped format.

It’s exactly what you need for free-form work. Pure CSS is a responsive framework, and its elements look great while working on all screen sizes. Pure CSS has a minimal number of styles, giving you the ability to create your own application styles on top of Pure CSS. It was specifically made so as not to interfere minimally with the developer when creating his own style. Pure CSS requires a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Document Object Model (DOM) and any text editor. An understanding of how web applications work will be a big plus.

Pure offers all the common features you need in a standard web design framework. So, either you’re creating a theme for WordPress or your own website, Pure can be a good option.

For project managers, it’s usually important that client projects are built with standard tools that are easy to understand and maintain, and more importantly, that it’s easy to recruit talent that fits easily into your platform. Bootstrap is perfect for this. Pure seems simple enough to me that it can also be a good starting point.

Features of Pure.css

Pure.css is very small, only 4.5KB minified + gzipped.
Pure is built on Normalize.css, which standardizes the framework’s performance in browsers.
The Pure site is built on its own framework, so its minimalist, well-designed code results in a simple, navigable and user-friendly guide.
You can add Pure to your page through Yahoo’s free CDN. Simply add the following element to your page’s , before your project’s stylesheets.
On the Layouts page, Pure offers a sampling of downloads for different example pages for common applications. You can browse and download any of them that you want to experiment with or add to your application. They include:

Photo Gallery
Target page
Price gallery
Responsive Side Menu
Responsive horizontal-vertical menu
Responsive horizontal-scrolling menu

Grids are a key aspect of website layouts that Pure makes quite simple.
Pure supports the alignment of input fields on forms and the creation of specialized fields such as:
Built-in forms.
Stacked forms
Two-column forms
Multi-column forms (shown above)
Grouped inputs
Mandatory Inputs
Disabled intuples
Read-only intuitions
Rounded intuits
Flags and radios